Our Core Values
The Calgary Therapy Institute's core values emphasize the institute’s research focus on the importance of self-determination in the healing of trauma; while supporting its staff to provide value-driven, ethical and self-determined care for the individuals and community it serves. Additionally, the institute acknowledges the importance of a connected and respectful clinic, where diverse perspectives, experiences and opinions are embraced.

Applying the CTI's core research focus of self-determination to all mental health care provided, which allows clients the opportunity to develop their sense of self and personal wellness.

Client-Centered Practice
Engaging a client-focused, self-determined care model that values the client's voice and opinions when making decisions about their care; allowing clients to have an active role in their care ensures that everyone’s needs are being effectively addressed.
Trauma - Informed Care (TIC) Approach
Utilizing a trauma-informed approach when working with clients to address their mental health concerns and individual needs. By engaging in a TIC approach, practitioners work to create a relationship of trust and collaboration with clients, where individuals feel safe and empowered in their process.

Client Advocacy
Co-determining advocacy and promoting self-agency for clients when coordinating community resources, navigating systemic challenges and promoting social change processes. A collaborative and communicative approach to client advocacy supports a relationship of trust and honesty between clients and their care team.
Confidentiality and Ethical Standards
Providing an ethics-focused clinic environment that adheres to the professional standards set by the relevant associations, prioritizing the protection of clients through safe, trusting relationships and through a commitment to client confidentiality and privacy.

Connection and Community
Striving to cultivate connections between members of the institute, clients and the community at large to create a sense of community among individuals. Strengthening connections between members of the CTI community supports the ideals of collaboration, security, and inclusivity.
Empathy and Respect
Acknowledging and respecting the unique experiences, opinions and contributions of each individual at CTI, to ensure that everyone feels seen, heard and valued. Each member of the CTI community has special strengths and offerings as an individual, which are invaluable to the development and functioning of the institute’s diverse environment.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
Fostering a safe, diverse and inclusive work environment that values and respects each member of the community and their individuality; expressing a willingness to engage in respectful conversations to find collaborative solutions.
Cultural Awareness
Recognizing the unique cultural backgrounds of individuals and how their personal identity contributes to their experiences and needs. Additionally, being considerate of our how our own culture shapes our beliefs, values, perceptions and biases.

Research and Educational Opportunities
Promoting research and educational opportunities that recognize the importance of self-determination in learning, practice and community processes.
Professional Development and Growth
Collaboratively determining future contributions to research and community development, while fostering next-generation growth, learning and educational opportunities. The institute values the opinions of all members when determining the future steps for the CTI community and strives to support members’ growth within the company.